The Stockalperweg, also called ViaStockalper, is a mule track built more than 300 years ago by Kaspar Stockalper. Since 1991, it has been revived as a cultural hike.
In three daily stages, the trail leads you from Brig to the Simplon Pass and to Gondo.
Experience the contrasts of the ViaStockalper, lonely valleys, rushing mountain streams, extensive larch forests and flowering Alpine flora. Marvel at sights such as the magnificent Stockalper Castle in Brig, the soldier's monument in the shape of the golden eagle on the Simplon Pass, the infantry fortress of Fort Gondo and the Sacro Monte Calvario, the pilgrimage site in Domodossola, to name but a few. You travel comfortably with your daypack. Your luggage will be transported for you from accommodation to accommodation.
The multi-day hike includes not only the overnight stays. It also includes packed lunches and luggage transport. There are many other extras waiting for you, such as guided tours, entrance fees and culinary surprises....
The stages:
Day 1: Arrival in BrigDay 2: Brig - Simplon Pass
Day 3: Simplon Pass - Simplon village
Day 4: Simplon Dorf - Gondo